Is Wider Field Of View Better

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With the increasing popularity of virtual reality (VR) headsets, many consumers are wondering if a wider field of view (FOV) results in a better VR experience.

FOV is an essential factor influencing the effectiveness of a VR headset. It can make a significant impact on immersion, depth perception, and peripheral vision, all of which contribute to the overall experience.

In this blog post, we will discuss whether a wider FOV means a better VR experience and help you understand why FOV matters.

What Is Field Of View (FOV)

The field of view is the total extent of the observable world seen at any given viewing position. The FOV in VR is measured in degrees and refers to the angle that a viewer can see when looking through the VR headset.

A larger FOV gives the user a more immersive experience as the viewer can see more of the virtual world, leading to a more realistic experience.

It reduces the sense of looking through a narrow window and creates a greater sense of being present within the virtual environment.

The standard FOV for most VR headsets is around 100 degrees horizontally. Each individual eye has a horizontal FOV of about 135 degrees and a vertical FOV of just over 180 degrees.

Combining both eyes together will yield a binocular FOV of around 114 degrees of view horizontally.

What is Field of View (FOV)

The Importance Of Wide FOV

A wider FOV in VR can significantly impact the user’s experience. When you use a VR headset with a narrow FOV, you are limited in your peripheral vision, which can impact your field of depth perception.

As a result, it can make objects appear flat, which could lead to disorientation or motion sickness. This is why a wider FOV is relatively essential in VR. It allows you to see more of your surroundings, creating a more realistic view of your virtual environment.

Imagine you’re playing a first-person shooter game in VR. With a wider FOV, you can see more of the virtual environment around you.

This allows you to have a broader view of the battlefield, enhancing your awareness of the surroundings and making it feel like you’re really there.

VR Headsets With Wide FOV

Several VR headsets offer wider fields of view (FOV) compared to standard options. Here are a few VR headsets known for their wider FOV:

1). Pimax VR Headsets: Pimax offers a range of VR headsets known for their wide FOV. The Pimax 8K X, for example, boasts a horizontal FOV of 200 degrees, providing an expansive view of the virtual environment. Other Pimax headsets, such as the Pimax 5K Super also offer wider FOV options.

2). StarVR One: The StarVR One headset is designed for professional use and features an impressive 210-degree horizontal FOV. It provides an extensive visual field that offers a more immersive and realistic experience, particularly for industrial or enterprise applications.

3). XTAL: XTAL is a high-end VR headset aimed at professional use cases. It offers a wide FOV of 170 degrees, combined with high-resolution displays and advanced optics, resulting in a detailed and expansive VR experience.

4). Varjo VR-3 and Varjo XR-3: Varjo’s VR-3 and XR-3 headsets are targeted at enterprise users. They feature a “Bionic Display” technology that combines a high-resolution central focus area with a wider peripheral FOV, resulting in a visual experience that closely resembles human vision.

While a headset with a wide FOV gives a more realistic experience, there are other factors to consider that might affect your purchasing decision. For instance, some wide FOV headsets may come with a higher price tag or require a powerful PC, which may not be feasible for everyone.

Performance and Hardware Requirements

Increasing the FOV places greater demands on the VR system, including the display, graphics processing, and tracking.

Wider FOV requires more processing power and higher display resolutions, which can increase the hardware requirements and cost of VR headsets.

Achieving a wider FOV can present challenges related to optics and distortion. Wide FOV lenses may introduce image distortion or reduce visual clarity towards the edges of the display.

Ensuring high-quality optics and minimizing distortion is crucial for a satisfying VR experience.


While a wider FOV can enhance immersion, it can also lead to potential discomfort for some users. Wide FOV headsets may require the user’s eyes to move more, potentially causing eye strain or fatigue.

It is important to strike a balance between FOV and comfort to ensure a pleasant experience.

Some people may feel uncomfortable or get motion sickness with extremely wide FOV headsets. Also, applications that require focused attention may benefit from a narrower FOV to avoid distractions.

Factors Affecting The Experience

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Several factors can influence the overall VR experience. Here are key factors that can significantly impact the quality and immersion of a virtual reality experience:

1). Field of View (FOV): The FOV refers to the extent of the virtual environment that is visible to the user. A wider FOV can enhance immersion and realism by providing a broader and more natural view of the virtual world.

2). Display Resolution: The resolution of the VR headset’s display affects the visual clarity and detail of the virtual environment. Higher resolutions result in sharper and more realistic visuals, while lower resolutions may lead to pixelation and reduced image quality.

3). Refresh Rate: The refresh rate indicates how many times per second the VR display updates. Higher refresh rates, such as 90Hz or 120Hz, contribute to smoother visuals and reduce motion sickness. Lower refresh rates can cause laggy or jarring movements, impacting the overall experience.

4). Tracking and Motion: Precise and responsive tracking systems are crucial for accurate and seamless movement within the virtual environment. High-quality tracking minimizes latency and improves the realism and comfort of interactions in VR.

5). Comfort and Ergonomics: Comfortable and well-designed VR headsets are essential for prolonged use. Factors like weight distribution, padding, adjustability, and ventilation impact how comfortable the headset feels during extended sessions.

6). Audio Quality: High-quality audio enhances the immersion of VR experiences. Accurate spatial audio, with sounds coming from the correct direction, helps create a more realistic and engaging auditory experience.

7). Content Quality: The quality and variety of VR content significantly impact the overall experience. Well-designed, engaging, and immersive content provides a more enjoyable and memorable VR experience.

8). Performance and Hardware: The performance of the VR hardware, including the computer or gaming console, graphics card, and RAM, affects the smooth rendering and responsiveness of VR applications. Sufficient hardware capabilities are necessary for an optimal VR experience.

9). Interaction and Input Devices: The method of interacting with the virtual environment, such as controllers or hand tracking, can impact the sense of presence and immersion. Intuitive and responsive input devices contribute to a more engaging and natural interaction.

10). Comfort in VR Movement: Techniques and design choices for VR movement, such as teleportation, smooth locomotion, or vignetting, can affect user comfort and mitigate motion sickness. Providing comfortable and customizable movement options is important to accommodate different user preferences.

It’s worth noting that individual preferences and sensitivities can also influence the VR experience.

Factors like the user’s susceptibility to motion sickness, prior VR experience, and personal comfort preferences can vary, making it important to consider the specific needs of the user when optimizing the VR experience.

In Summary

A wider FOV in VR headsets certainly does contribute to a better experience overall. The benefits of having a larger FOV are obvious, from greater immersion to a more realistic environment, virtually increasing the sense of presence.

However, while a wide FOV is crucial, it is not the only factor that affects your experience.

When purchasing a VR headset, it’s important to do your research and find the headset that best fits your needs, considering the overall design and functionality of the headset.

Ultimately, the ideal FOV depends on personal preferences and the specific use case of the VR application. Some users may prioritize a wider FOV for enhanced immersion, while others may prioritize comfort or other factors.

It is important to consider a balance between FOV, visual quality, comfort, and performance when evaluating the suitability of a VR headset.

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